A Good Game

Don’t you love a good game?!? Team Sports teach us so much about life! One of my favorite books, other than the Bible, is Pep Talk. It’s a fictional story about a football team’s locker room Pep Talk by a mysterious visitor. That Pep Talk changed their lives.

Emotional Healthy Spirituality

In my current Small Group Bible study, we are reading EHS (Emotionally Healthy Spirituality). The core practice is silence and stillness before Jesus.

In practicing this over the last couple of weeks, I’ve learned more about myself and God. I have a position on Christ’s Team and He is my Coach. If I listen to Him and Trust Him, He will guide and direct me.

Trust Him

Proverbs 3:5,6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.”

In starting today’s silence and stillness, I committed to putting all distractions out of my mind and heart. Imagining Gods Mighty outstretched hand and laying all the people and plans I have on my mind in His Hand.

Then, I walk to my quiet log in the sunny mountain air with a clear heart and mind, I sit still (kneeling) and waiting for God to speak.

Today, as with most days, it’s hard to stay quiet in my mind. However, I just kept repeating, “Hear I am Lord, speak to me please.”

And He did. He speaks in these moments, not with an audible voice, but with a Holy Spirit sweetness.

In the Book, EHS, the author says that we can be many years old in our earthly years, but still a spiritual infant. We lack growth if we aren’t knowing ourselves, in order to Know Him. We have to be in touch with our true selves. Then, we can know Him better.

Baby  with bright blue eyes chewing on wood block

In my Quiet still space today, God gave me the image of a player on a Team. Once we accept Christ, we are on the team. But we have to earn out spot on the playing field.

Christians are given the “Free Gift” of eternal life when we confess our sinful selves, and believe He is the son of God, and accept Him as Ruler and Savior of our life. John 3:16

But then, we have full faith in Him to follow His instructions. Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15.

Showing Up

So back to Team Sports: We have to listen to and obey our coach (The Holy Spirit) We have to show up to practice (Quiet Times in his Word, Worship, and prayer). We have to work out in the weight room and grow our muscles ~ heart mind and soul muscles need work outs. These work outs are daily in our every day lives…Living out our faith through obedience. And then, if God so chooses, we get a chance on the field in Life to receive the blessing of His choosing. With open ears, hearts, eyes and minds, may we get a chance to show God that we are “All in!”

Oh we will have critics, but we will also have fans. So choose today to put in the work. Show up to practice, work it out, and most importantly, listen to your coach. After all, Jesus Loves you! ❤️So suit up! It’s Game time! Carrie On friends!

Colossians 3 ~ Stay High ⬆️🙏🏻


Christian Friends


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