What’s for Supper?
“What’s for Supper?” This is the text and question that I get most often from boys. So I created a short cut in my phone for them several years ago. Just text W F S and it will automatically type out, “What’s for supper?”
My husband calls me every work day when he’s on the drive home. He’s smart. He doesn’t ask me “What’s for supper?”. Instead, he asks, “Do you need me to pick something up on the way home?” That’s code for, “I’m hungry. If you haven’t cooked, I’ll pick something up for us to eat.”
The pets know every morning and every afternoon that I will feed them. They all show up and scratch, purr, pounce, jump, squeal, and inhale their food.
What a joy to see my people and pets enjoy a meal. I like to serve a happy crowd.
How much more does our Heavenly Father want that same satisfaction for His children?
That’s how it is with God’s Holy Word. He feeds us our Daily Bread through the Bible. We need it for our spiritual stomach to be filled.
My small group is working through a study by Kristi McClelland called Jesus and Women. She calls each lesson a feast. She encourages us to posture ourselves to receive the feast. She reminds us that we are not orphans. We need not to scrounge or work hard to understand it all, but “take it in and let it do it’s work.”
We Are Weak,
But He Is Strong
I imagine a baby bird in his nest looking straight up as the Mommy bird arrives with a fresh worm.
That’s how it is with God’s Word. We are weak, but He is strong. We have feasted before, but we get hungry again. He has set the table. All we have to do is show up. Open our bibles. And inhale His word.
To you Women who are always giving, feeding, serving, and working, doesn’t this sound amazing? We really appreciate someone else feeding us, don’t we? All you have to do is show up! All we have to do is come to the table.
How many days do we delay this feast? And even worse, Why do we reject this feast? Why do we delay? What is it that keeps us from this gift of sitting and taking it in? If for only a few minutes, why do we deny our spirit this feast?
As a growing Christian, may we crave His word to nourish our hungry souls. May we run to the table! May we devour His word. Go ahead, get messy. Drool all over him. In Luke 7, The woman with the Alabaster Jar did. She kissed his feet. She poured her best perfume on his feet. She wiped his feet with her hair. She had faith in Him. She knew who He was and There was Grace for her.
How much more does He want that for you and for me?
Grab a bible today, belly up to the bar, and ask God, “What’s for supper?” Enjoy the feast!
Carrie On and Stay High
Colossians 3:1 says to “Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated on the right hand of God.”
And Remember, Jesus Loves you!